Thursday, September 6, 2012

Mitchel Palazzi

Hello, my name is Mitchel Palazzi. I am from a Small town in Massachusetts called Rehoboth. It is a quaint little farming community near the cape. In high school, I was an avid track runner in the 110 meter hurdles, the 200 meter dash, and the long jump. Over the past two years, I have held a variety of different jobs. I worked in the Providence Place Mall at Hollister, I worked on hot summer days as a landscaper, and up until recently, I worked as a pizza delivery driver. The diversity in my work experiences has taught me an assortment of different, but useful skills. I am a freshman here at Nichols college and although I am currently a marketing major, I intend to switch it to Pre-Law. Some of my hobbies include playing the guitar, playing basketball, long boarding, and rollerblading. By taking this course, I plan on gaining more knowledge on all of the Microsoft programs, including Word, PowerPoint, and Excel. Learning more about these programs would be extremely beneficial to me as a college student because they play such a huge role in the academic world today. I also hope to obtain the skills to create my own website, because again, as a college student, this type of skill would be very beneficial. The blog I am choosing to talk about is about Rugby.
I chose this because i currently am a member of the Nichols College Rugby team. Even though I am still learning the sport and all of the pain that can be associated with it, I am growing to love it very much. The sport of Rugby seems to catch a very bad rep for its "violent nature" and its "lack of protection". Although these assumptions can be true, the sport requires proper technique and execution to limit the occurrence of injuries. The videos below are great tools that help to explain how to play the sport, and the proper technique needed to safely play it. The article that I chose (which is linked above in the word "Rugby") talks about the leadership that is exemplified through a well know professional Rugby player named  Fernandez Lobbe. This article talks about his rise to greatness in the sport of rugby. He is currently the captain for his team in Argentina, but it wasn't always that way. Growing up in a household that was always passionate for the sport, he had rugby in his blood, but he admits that he wasn't always "very good". At the age of 25, he was coming out of college, and watching his brothers succeed in the sport made him want to pursue a full time career in it. He practiced, and finally became good enough to go pro. He is now a huge asset to his team and will do anything to help it, whether it is on or off the field. I found this article interesting because leadership is character trait that we should all strive for. This is a credible article because it is written by a well-known journalist for the New Zealand Herold.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mitchell, My name is Alexander Jolie. After reading your post I can tell you are very passionate about sports. It's exciting to see someone else who is interested in track. That should definitely benefit you a lot when playing Rugby. I'm sure with your dedication, and running skills you'll do amazing on the rugby team. Good luck this year!
