My name is Mackenzie Scheer, i am from Milford, MA. I am a freshman here at Nichols College. I live in Shamie, with my two best friends! I am undecided for what id like to major in. I've cheered for all my life, about 14 years. I work as a cashier at Stop & Shop in my hometown. I have been there 3 years in may. I have an older sister, 21 years of age, she too works with me at stop and shop! I currently just applied for a on campus job as a Nichols Fund caller.
I would really like to learn everything there is to know about Excel, PowerPoint, and Microsoft. I feel that having the knowledge of these would be very beneficial to my major and my future. I am really looking forward to having this class. Having this knowledge would even possibly help me with my future, with getting a job. It's crucial to have computer skills.
I found this article about how cheerleading IS a sport, by New York Times. I picked this article because everyone always says cheerleading isn't a sport, when it actually is. It was just named a sport, finally!
Hi Mackenzie my name is Doug Levine and I am also a freshman in Shamie hall. I see by reading your blog that we are both from MA. I also realized that you are an athlete just like I am. I play soccer so a little different the cheerleading. I also see that you worked at Stop and Shop, I tried to apply for a job there and it just never work out. I have an older sister thats 22, so it sounds like were both the youngest in our families. I agree with you cheering is a sport. I never realized until watching the Nichols cheerleaders practice how strong they have to be with there upper body. I hope this class teaches me all the skills there is to know about the computer to. It sounds like you really like your roommates, thats good cause a lot of people here are not getting along. I was happy to read your blog and I hope we can get to know each other more cause it seems like we have a lot in common.