Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Hi, my name is Dana Clingo. I'm from Long Island and am coming to Nichols to either major in criminal justice or psychology. I hope to become a probation officer after graduation, and either stay in Massachusetts or Pennsylvania. So far, I have really grown to love Dudley and how pretty it is. After living here for the past couple of days, I finally realized just how much I hate New York. Massachusetts is so calm and peaceful in comparison to LI. Deciding to commit to Nichols was probably one of the best decisions I've ever made. Everyone is so friendly and the atmosphere is really comforting. Thankfully I haven't been homesick, but I miss my dog terribly. I actually have 5 dogs back in New York. My parents foster dogs that are either going to be euthanized or were rescues. The picture below is my dog Brody. Is that not the cutest dog you've ever seen?

I used to play soccer, lacrosse, and softball. I quit after realizing that just because you got on a base due to getting hit by the ball doesn't mean you're necessarily good. I quickly quit after my reality check and resorted to watching sports instead. I now watch a lot of hockey and love the Rangers. I don't follow much blogs, but I'll usually check up on this Rangers blog just to catch up on anything I've missed. Usually I don't have time to keep up with everything that is going on, so it's a fast and easy way to stay up to date. I like the blog because it is usually pretty reliable. My roommate is a huge Bruins fan, so you can imagine how heated our conversations can get talking about hockey.

These are my roommates Jen and Kristen. It's a horrible picture, but the only one I have. I couldn't have asked for better roommates.

I hope to learn more about Blogger and Microsoft in this course. In order to graduate high school I needed to complete a senior project, which included using Microsoft Excel. It took me weeks to complete one small portion of my project due to the fact that I was unaware how to work the system. I'd like to say that I'm pretty decent at figuring out programs on the computer, but I sometimes have some difficulties. I also hope to learn how to use the other systems Microsoft has to offer so I can use them either this year or in the future. I'm horrible at public speaking. I plan out everything I want to say in my head, yet when I get in front of a group of people it's as if I have no idea what I am talking about. I've tried writing down on notecards all the details I need to remember, but when I try to read them it's as if I've never read before in my life. I lose my place and my voice shakes, so embarrassing. I also pronounce words wrong, even when I know how to say them. One time in school I had to present a project all about Vietnam and I didn't pronounce Vietnam right once. You could only imagine the grade  I got on that presentation. So I hope that after this class my fear of public speaking finally goes away. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Dana! I’m Rileigh Mac Murdo and I’m a sophomore at Nichols College. I actually major in Psychology and minor in Criminal Justice. I can definitely tell you both of them are very good programs and are also very interesting. I also saw that you were from Long Island and became instantly jealous. I’ve always wanted to live in New York but apparently you were dying to get out! One day I hope to live there but I’m not sure if I can get used to city life after living in a little town my whole life. I also saw the picture of your dog and it made me miss mine. I absolutely love dogs, I have a Siberian Husky at home. A little bit bigger than your dog but yours is still so cute! You talked about sports and how you decided to quit them all, which I also have in common. I have done every sport and decided I’d rather watch talented people play them on tv than me trying to play them. I don’t like the Rangers, I’m definitely with your roommate, I love the Bruins! If you also ever have any questions about Nichols between campus life or classes, let me know, I’ll be here to help!
