Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Cheapest way to clean your house

       Lemons a fruit with a wonderful fragrance, great in food and beverages, but also very handy for multiple purposes around the home! The cheapest way to clean your home is with lemon juice. Not only are lemons cheap but also leave a great sent behind. Multi-surface cleaners can get expensive and are not safe around children. There's a reason that so many store-bought cleaning supplies have a lemon fresh scent. Lemon juice has antibacterial and antiseptic qualities that make it a great addition to any cleaning stash.
         Lemon juice cleans tuff stains on countertops, stovetops, microwaves, ovens and the rest of your kitchen. To clean a microwave squeeze the juice into a microwaveable container with one cup of water. Then put the container in the microwave between 5-10 minutes. After the container has been microwaved, wipe down the inside. The acid in the lemon breaks down the grease, food and stains in your microwave.
         Lemon juice is a natural glass cleaner alone; it works and smells better than vinegar. If you mix lemon juice with olive oil, you get a great polish for hardwood floorings or leather furniture!
         For us college student that like extra bright whites, lemon juice is the trick. It can work as a gentle replacement for bleach in the wash. Half a cup of lemon juice in your washer's rinse cycle can help brighten whites. Grass stains are always a pain to take out but stain remover is so expensive. Try the alternative with a lemon. All you have to do is scrub the grass stains with half a lemon and the enzymes take out the stain! This also works with white shoes. Scrub your shoes with lemon juice and a wet cloth. Once your shoes dry they will be nice and bright.
         College students don’t have money to be buying all these chemicals to clean their bathrooms! Lemon juice works great on toilets, sinks and inside the shower. The juice helps removes bath scum, stains and watermarks. The acid left behind kill’s bacteria leaving your bathroom clean and smelling great!
         When life gives you lemons, clean your house. Lemon's are cheap with many uses!

1 comment:

  1. You know what Tyler - you honestly put something on this blog that was so out of the ordinary that I had to check it out. Lemon juice for cleaning would have never crossed my mind. I did not know that lemon juice had antibacterial properties to it. I did however notice that lemon scent is almost always the chosen scent in every cleaning product. I never really thought about this, however, it was something that I noticed. Furthermore, lemon juice does have acidic properties to it that would fight bacteria, making it an ideal cleaner. I have heard that my cousin uses some face wash with lemon extract in it for her acne. She says its natural and makes her face feel amazing, while cutting down on the amount of bacteria on her face. Mother nature has provided us with so many options for natural ways to fight common problems such as cleaning. If you can use things that are natural, then why wouldn't you. Again great/very unique topic that you picked.

    -$eth Drouin
