Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Black Friday Shopping Tips

Hello, my name is Robbie Van Nort and my family has an obsession for going shopping on black Friday for the amazing deals you can find at just about any retail store. I was exploring the Internet looking for some tips that I could add to my family’s plan of action when it comes to purchasing everything we have had our eye on. After a few minutes of searching blogs and chat rooms I came across a blog at www.mint.com and it was exactly what I was looking for the blog was entitled: Top Ten Black Friday Shopping Tips written by, Morgan Benzian. It talked mostly about how to plan every aspect of your day out beforehand. I personally think that all these tips are quite effective since I already do all of them.  The ten tips are as they follow, make a list, set a budget, do research, sign up for email alerts, check return policies, know the early bird specials, divide and conquer, dress comfortably, bring sustenance, and have fun.  Some details I would add to these already magnificent ideas would be, either when you are making your list or doing research is to figure out where exactly in the store each of your items can be located, dress in looser clothing in case there is a chance that you will need to run through the store or hop over something in the store to get your merchandise. Whenever I go out to shop for my life I wear a loose shirt or sweater depending on the weather along with either athletic shorts or loose sweatpants. I also go to each store and find the items I am interested in buying and map out their location, but to ensure they will not move by the time Black Friday rolls around I go and find an employee and ask if the products will remain where they are. I think that anyone who is looking to become a professional Black Friday shopper should definitely take a look at this blog. Lastly I would like to say Good Luck to all those who go out on Black Friday and hope they do not have to cross my path because I am ruthless!


  1. Hey Robbie, after reading your blog, I feel more enlightened about Black Friday shopping. I personally have never gone shopping on black Friday because it has always seemed so crazy. Your blog has shown me that there is an actual art to going out shopping on black Friday. Many of my friends will go out shopping with high hopes of coming home with the best deals, but often times will come home empty handed. This is probably because of their ignorance and inexperience. You really seem to know what you are talking about and I like how you posted those ten tips. They were very informative and taught me a lot about the tactics needed to succeed in this crazy practice. Your blog has really gotten me excited about going out there and experiencing firsthand the craziness of black Friday! Who knows, maybe we will see each other out there someday!

  2. Hey Robbie, I know exactly what your talking about with black friday shopping. It helps you get some of the presents your need for the holidays at such a reasonable price too. My family is so crazy about black friday shopping . My mom is barely 5 foot and she runs around the store pushing people out the way. She is one crazy lady. Black friday is a great time to shop because there are so many sales its crazy. Last year my mom got a dvd and blue ray combination for only $49. My sister got me the new Xbox Kinetc for only $120. Your blog got me so pumped to go black friday shopping because i can't wait to go shopping. I'm definitely going to share those ten tips with my mom so maybe she can learn some new things to help her get more things in less time. Cyber Monday is also a great time to get to go shopping too but thats a lot harder to shop for because stuff gets sold out so easily.

    Christian Gil
