Beautiful Bora Bora
A place I would either love to live in or visit would be BoraBora. I personally love the beach, warm weather, sand and clear water. Bora
Bora has all that. It’s a calm and peaceful place to visit or live at. With the
beautiful breeze blowing and the nice, clean water to swim in and the palm
trees, who wouldn’t want to visit this tropical paradise?
The only problem for me is all the money used to actually
get and stay there. The cheapest round trip flight ticket I found to get to
Bora Bora was $2,787. I know for a fact I don’t have that in pocket change or
even in my bank account. To actually stay at a luxury hotel, prices start at
$495 per night for two people. On top of the flight tickets, I also don’t have
that chunk of change. This tropical paradise doesn’t come cheap!
If say I did somehow sporadically come up with this money, I
would love to stay in a bungalow. A bungalow in Bora Bora is a hut that stratles
over their clear blue, beautiful water. It is also connected to other walkways
that connect to more bungalows. They almost look like tikki huts. Stay in a
bungalow just gives you more of that tropical feeling.
While I’m in my fantasy paradise, I would love to go snorkeling.
Snorkeling in a tropical place like that must be amazing considering the clear
blue water, you would be able to see everything. I bet you’d see a ton of
amazing, beautiful fish, jellyfish, sharks and stingrays. I’d also love to go zip
lining. I’ve always wanted to do it and why not do it in a tropical paradise. I
bet it would be exhilarating. The view, I can almost picture it, would be
breath taking. Kayaking in Bora Bora would also probably be pretty amazing. I
would love to kayak on the clear, blue water. Kayak to cliffs and mountains and
just enjoy the view. One other thing I’d absolutely die to see would be a
sunset in Bora Bora. I can picture it being pink, blue and purple clouds.
Sitting on the beautiful, warm sands with the clean water at my feet with a
pina coolata in my hand admiring the wonderful sunset, that would be my
vacation. One day, I’ll get my dream vacation and maybe even live there!
Wow Bora Bora does seem nice i have vactioned in the bahamas and it is pretty similiar to Bora Bora. Let me tell you i would defiantly enjoy laying on the white sand and snorkeling or even cave diving. all these fun things arent around in the northeast. Since you cannnot afford the high prices you should try to vacation in the Bahamas or even go on a cruise! There are certain times in the year were cruise lines need to fill up spots on their ships and the cost of the cruise is under 1000 dollars for 5 days and 4 nights! last summer i vacationed key west , Bahamas , And the cruises lines own personal island for under 800 Dollars. If you are intrested in going you should check out Royal Carribean i had the time of my life going on that line. I hope one day you end up going to Bora Bora maybe ill see you there some day.