Andrea Wilson
This past summer I was introduced into the world of hiking. One brisk summer morning my dad dragged me out out bed and told me that we were going on an adventure. He told me to pack warm clothes, thick socks and good tennis shoes. I had absolutley no idea where I was going, but I had a feeling that I was going to be exerting some type of energy. So I put on some atheltic gear and hoped into my dad's pickup. After about an hour of anxiously sitting in the truck and looking at the window, we finally pulled into a parking lot where I saw people strapping on backpacks on filling up thier water bottles. "Were going hiking!"my dad exclaimed.
We ended up summiting two mountains that day. Both Mount Khatadain and Mount Cardigan offered breathtaking views with great foliage and great memories made with my dad. Little did I know that summiting these two moutains kickstarted my addiction for hiking. I am now fully invested in hiking all different types of moutains. Before this summer a dream vacation for me would be hopping on a plane to visit sandy beaches and sip pina coladas with pink umbrellas. Now a perfect vacation would be taking a road trip to a national park and hiking all day, while enjoying nature with great friends and family.
One of the national parks that I am absoluotley dying to go to is Great Smoky Moutain National Park in Gatlinburg, Tennesee. It's the most visited National Park in the United States. There are over 1,500 bears living at the park at any given time. The trails offer amazing views of waterfalls, winding rivers and century-old architicture.

Flying to Tennesee is relativley cheap year round. If you were to take Delta airlines these are the average prices a plane ticket would cost. If your not a plane person, taking a road trip would be a great way to not only bond with your family but also make some memorable experiences!
After reading your blog, I suddenly have the urge to go hiking! Growing up, i had climbed some mountains such as Mt. Washington, and Mt. Jefferson, but i never really appreciated the beauty of nature that can be seen through hiking. Reading this blog and seeing how passionate you seem about hiking really makes me want to get back on those mountains and experience nature through a different perspective. I don’t think that people take the time to really sit back and appreciate the beauty that hiking can reveal. Now that I am thinking about it, it is amazing how hiking reveals the world from a higher point. You get an opportunity to look down on the world for once. I feel like flying to Tennessee to climb the Smokies would absolutely be worth the trip and expenses. There is definitely a reason why it is the most visited national part in the United States. It must be gorgeous!